The Functional Herbal Blend is a collaboration of The Functional Nurse and Tia Miers Naturopathy. The blend was formulated to support our patients in clinic suffering with inflammatory skin disorders.

After 10 years of treating skin in the industry, I struggled to find an internal health product that would support the skins functions for a vast range of skin conditions. We are predominantly treating acne, eczema, psoriasis and rosacea in clinic. All of these conditions are exacerbated by sluggish lymphatics, inflammation and poor liver health. With these conditions in mind we worked for over a year on research and development to formulate a powerful herbal blend that could be ingested daily and give relief to patients suffering with their skin.

The combination of herbs and nutrients support the bodies detoxification processes, assists wound healing, whilst contain anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial properties. This makes it a powerful treatment for most skin conditions.

Both Tia and I recommend incorporating the blend into your skin health journey under the guidance of your Health Care Practitioner.

Ingestible powder, mixed berry flavour 
Approximately 20 serves

Mix 2 teaspoons in water, juice, smoothies or any cold drinks. Consume once daily after eating or as recommended by your healthcare provider.  


Calendula: Antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and antibacterial properties that may assist in wound healing whilst soothing eczema and acne.

Liquorice: a potent antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial effect on the skin.

Beetroot: Rich in antioxidants and dietary fibre. Beetroot contains iron helping to build blood within the body and enhance energy.

Magnesium Citrate: May calm the nervous system, assist in lowering cortisol levels, stabilizing hormonal imbalances, and improving cellular processes.

Cinnamon: Balances blood sugar levels within the body, helping to reduce sugar cravings and regulate appetite.

St Mary’s Thistle: Milk thistle is believed to protect the cells of the liver by blocking the entrance of harmful toxins and helping to remove these toxins from the liver cells.

Bamboo Extract: Rich with amino acids and flavonoids which may help the skin to retain moisture and protect from harmful free-radical and UV damage.

Ginger Root: May enhance digestion, reduce bloating and stimulate collagen helping to reduce fluid retention.

Withania: A powerful adaptogen which helps to enhance energy levels. Withania increased the body's resistance to stress therefore decreasing anxiety.

Zinc Gluconate: May support a healthy immune system and wound healing.

Ascorbic acid: May Assist with the formation of collagen, absorption of iron, wound healing and immune system support.

Retinyl Acetate: May stimulate production of new skin cells and help normalise oil production.


Topical Steroid Withdrawals


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